Here's how I'm Increasing my Chances of getting Successful Customer Journeys

Here's how I'm Increasing my Chances of getting Successful Customer Journeys

Brussels, Jul. 30, 2023

10 common pitfalls to avoid

Whatever the sector, when you're trying to sell something professionally (or semi-professionally if you're in the hard drug business), there's one thing you're going to hear a lot, and that's Customer Journey. I'm already having this monologue on the definition and the ins and outs of the Customer Journey right here, but, over the last few years, having worked on projects in Europe and Asia, I've got a list of recommendations and points of attention that I've pared down for the purposes of this article. While this one applies essentially to the European markets, this one specifically address the Asian sector and its specificities.

That said, bear in mind that creating a successful customer journey in Europe requires careful consideration and attention to various factors. To ensure that your customer journey is effective and meets the needs of your European customers, I find it crucial to avoid the following common pitfalls:

  1. Ignore cultural differences: Europe is a diverse continent with a rich tapestry of cultures, languages, and traditions. Failing to acknowledge and respect these differences can lead to misunderstandings and a lack of connection with your target audience. Take the time to research and understand the cultural nuances of each market you are targeting. For instance, humour that works in the UK may not translate well in Germany.
  2. Neglect local language support: It may seem obvious, but it's still a very real problem today. Language plays a fundamental role in communication. Neglecting to provide adequate language support can hinder your customers' ability to engage with your brand and can create a sense of exclusion. Invest in translation services or hire native speakers to ensure that your messaging is clear and accessible to your customers.
  3. Overlook local regulations and legal requirements: Each country in Europe has its own set of regulations and legal requirements that businesses must adhere to. Ignoring these can result in severe consequences, such as fines or legal action. Familiarize yourself with the specific legal frameworks of each market you operate in and ensure compliance at all times. For example, certain claims in advertising that are permissible in Asia may be prohibited in European countries.
  4. Fail to adapt to local payment preferences: Payment preferences can vary across different European countries. While credit cards may be popular in some regions, others may prefer alternative payment methods like digital wallets or bank transfers. Failing to accommodate these preferences can lead to abandoned purchases and frustrated customers. Offer a variety of payment options to cater to the specific needs of each market.
  5. Underestimate the importance of customer service: Europeans value quality customer service. A study by American Express found that 33% of customers would consider switching companies after just one instance of poor service and up to 60% following two to three instances of poor service. So, providing exceptional customer service is crucial for building trust and loyalty. Neglecting this aspect of the customer journey can result in negative experiences and damage to your brand reputation. Invest in training your customer service teams and prioritise prompt and effective resolution of customer issues.
  6. Disregard local holidays and traditions: Europe is home to a wide range of holidays and traditions that hold significant importance to its residents. Disregarding these cultural celebrations can make your brand appear disconnected and insensitive. Take the time to acknowledge and incorporate local holidays and traditions into your marketing campaigns and customer experiences.
  7. Rely solely on digital channels: While digital channels play a significant role in customer engagement, relying solely on them can limit your reach and effectiveness. Europe has a diverse mix of online and offline preferences, and it is important to have a balanced approach. Utilise both digital and offline channels to create a comprehensive and integrated customer journey.
  8. Overcomplicate the customer journey: A complex and convoluted customer journey can lead to confusion and frustration. Simplify the process and ensure that each touchpoint is intuitive and seamless. Keep in mind that customers (not only in Europe) value efficiency and simplicity, and strive to provide a streamlined experience.
  9. Neglect the importance of personalisation: Personalisation is key to creating meaningful and engaging experiences for your European customers. Failing to personalise your interactions and communications can result in a lack of relevance and connection. Leverage data and technology to tailor your offerings and messages to individual preferences and behaviours.
  10. And, for the record, I discuss the subject of personalising your Customer Journey in this article.

  11. Ignore customer feedback and insights: Your customers' feedback and insights are valuable sources of information that can help you improve and refine your customer journey. Ignoring this feedback can lead to missed opportunities for growth and innovation. Actively listen to your customers, analyse their feedback, and make necessary adjustments to enhance their experience.

Avoiding these pitfalls really helps me to remove more than 90% of the obstacles and frustrations from the user journey. Obviously, there's still a lot to be done in terms of perception, interface, communication and so on. But, by understanding and respecting the unique characteristics of each market, you can establish strong relationships with your customers and drive long-term success.

In addition to these 10 things, there are a few more considerations that I like to keep in mind which I discuss in this note.

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